
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Castles and Cars

This whole week I have been thinking a lot about home, and the idea of routine. For the last four years I have been so used to waking up around the same time, driving to school, attending the same classes, and putting whatever little effort I have left into playing a sport and rounding up the troops to go home. In Germany I have more freedom than I than I thought I ever would, but I don't really know what to do with it. There are some days where I miss seeing my friends and having their humor and love in my life.  So if any of you guys are reading this I really appreciate that  you made everyday different and special. I am very happy  to meet new people in the school, but it is a bit sad to see people that I care about leaving back to their home countries. I miss them too, but enough with my thoughts.
 This week was freakishly hot! I don't understand German weather it was in the 90s this week but today it dropped to 60? Crazy! We went to BMW Welt  and I saw my car ( in 50 years), it is a Rolls Royce this one is dark blue, but I prefer black. We also went to Neuschwanstein. It is the Cinderella Castle. I really enjoy the outside way more than the inside (they would not let us take pics on the inside, but I found it a bit gaudy) lots of gold paint and big jewels.
 I hope your week is wonderful and filled with love!
<3 <3 <3

This is not Neuschwanstein. I visited this castle on a different day but I thought this is a better photo :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I think it's time for an Update...

Hi All,
Ok so normally I like to post on Sundays, but the past two weeks have been filled with awesomeness that I had little time to actually post. So I will try to catch you up as much as possible:
So a group of about 30 of us traveled to Augsburg last Saturday. We walked around, found a very provocative fountain and saw a World War II bunker. It was nice, afterwards we had sometime so the Americans went to Nuremberg. We were walking around trying to find a place to eat and we ran into this huge celebration, which turned out to be gay pride. There were a lot of people and a lot of energy. After a long day we went home.
  A couple days later my friend had said that she found a "secret garden" that was really close to the school, so we decided to check it out. The garden was brilliantly colorful and had these awesome fountains everywhere. It was the perfect place for a picnic. So pretty!
  A week later the same friend and I decided to visit Olympia Park. They are having a bit of a festival because it is the 40th anniversary. We walked around and I bought  a huge Slushy!! Normally that wouldn't be such a big deal but it is difficult to find icy drinks in Germany. We sat and at 10 pm we saw a Firework show. They were very detailed and colorful. It was a good night to see them.
  Last Saturday we went to Dachau. I decided to wander off alone. I saw the prison, the housing center, the infirmaries and lots of Memorials. It was a very spiritual and emotional walk. I reflected upon the meaning of life and what those who came had to suffer through. The part that made me think the most was when I stepped inside the crematorium. I saw the furnaces and the gas chamber. It still had a distinct smell.
  A couple days later we grilled on the Isar and celebrated a birthday.
Life is a funny thing
<3 <3 <3