
Friday, February 22, 2013

Sick Day/ College/ The Males

I feel like I only post when I have downtime. So today is a sick day. I have a fear that it is the flu, but I guess we will see.
Well in better happier news, I have experienced a lot in the past couple of weeks. I started an internship in a hospital laboratory. I can't say that it is the most interesting and fulfilling work that I have done, but I can say it is a job, and it gives me purpose which is nice.
I took a vacation with the majority of my host family and one of my best friends from the program. It was my host sisters birthday present and she decided to go to London. London was nice but freakishly cold and expensive. I had a great time though, it was hard not to when I was surrounded by such amazing people.

I also made a pretty big decision on what I will be doing when I return to the U.S. I had picked a college before I had left but my college situation was slightly complicated. I was deferred from my 1st pick and then I was accepted to my 2nd pick and during the time I was writing a re-consideration letter to my 1st pick my dad suggested that I apply for the program that I am apart of right now. I was later accepted to my 1st pick and then after a last (very, very, very bad) visit I decided to choose my 2nd pick and to go to Germany. Later my brother who was looking at my 1st pick college was telling me why he wanted to go there, and I realized that those were the reasons I had fallen in love with my 1st pick. So in a matter of 5 min I called my 1st pick and told them to re-open my application and I cancelled at my 2nd pick. I immediately felt a sense of relief. I knew that it was a decision that I just had to make. Moral of the Story? Trust your gut.

Ok so on to my German story for the month. I have always been awkward around guys. I have never really had any close male friends. I am not good at flirting. I kind of have a naughty personality and I think my emotions are pretty easy to read considering that whatever I am feeling is generally plastered with a certain expression all over my face. I was told when I 1st came here that I would be hit-on a lot, because there are not a lot of Black/ half black people who can speak German. I was ready to take a dip in the dating pool, but that really has not happened. Don't get me wrong I have had my fair share of men interested in me but most of them are kinda well... old or drunk or homeless, so no... I get a lot of looks from not old, drunk or homeless men but that's it, just looks. I have been told that sometimes I can be intimidating because I have a really stern face when I am focused so I look difficult to talk to. My Response: They missed out. But this story is not supposed to highlight my lack of dates, but rather how my relationship with men has changed. My area reps house is majority male. My area rep is a man who has a host son,  the host sons best friend and a male renter. So when I come over to his house his wife and I are the only females. I am good friends with everyone in the house. Now I am normally use to males making  disrespectful comments towards me or ignoring me completely, but whenever I go to my area reps house all of the guys are amazing. They listen to me, they eat what I bake, they help me reach things (because I am short) and they are super respectful. I love them all and it is so nice to know that I actually have male friends. They really changed my perspective on what relationships between a man and a woman look like. So if you guys are reading this, please know that I love you. I am blessed to have known you all and without you, my experience in Germany would be nothing. I LOVE YOU GUYSSSS!!

<3 <3 <3

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