
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Germany is wonderful, but this is the second time in two weeks that I have had some type of stomach bug. So because I am home today recuperating I decided I will write about my perception of health in Germany. Before coming the program stressed bringing medication from the states here because the dosing is different. Personally I have not had a problem with the slight change in medicine. I brought acetaminophen (Tylenol) but I have used headache meds when I was here and I felt fine. That being said, I have not used medication as often as I would back home. I had a horrible cough/ sore throat/ sneezing fit the 1st month with my host family and normally my dad would give me cough syrup or a medical tea of some sort, but when I asked my host mom for cough syrup she said she didn't have any. It kind of surprised me, but the tea that she gave me made me feel better and two days later I was feeling better.
From what I have seen it is easier to eat healthier in Germany. They, like the majority of the world, believe that many Americans are fat and that we eat McDonald's all the time. It is true that we have an obesity problem in America but I also believe that part of that is due to how expensive it is to eat healthy, especially now with the problems of the American Economy. There are fruit carts everywhere in Germany and the fruit is relatively cheap. Meat in delis at stores are also cheaper and veggies when they are in season. Eating fast food here can be ridiculously expensive. There is not really a version of a dollar menu and burger king for a burger, fries and drink is around 8 Euro ($10.40). There are so many other better, healthier, tastier options here for "fast food." They have wonderful fish sandwiches and Doner ( a pita like bread filled with strips of lamb, beef, chicken or pork and loaded with fresh veggies and a tasty sauce very similar to a Greek Gyro). With such wonderful options and all of the walking/ bike riding it is pretty impossible to not live healthier here.

<3 <3 <3

P.S. These are some random pics :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Standard

Hi Guys,
Sorry I could not post this on Sunday. I have been spending some quality time at the Grandparents and have been out of internet range for 3 days, no internet= no blog posts= Sorry.  So my host sister and I occasionally play a game of Sims, she really enjoys it and I think it’s fun to watch because she builds these amazing houses, but every time she makes a family I get a bit annoyed. She makes a tan/ darker woman who is skinny, slightly fit and has huge breasts. She always gives them blond hair and the make-up of a Barbie doll. Along with that she makes a boyfriend (always a boyfriend) with a little bit of a lighter skin tone and blond hair with an unimaginably perfect body. This has not been once but multiple times, and normally I would not mind but yesterday she asked me to make a family. I started to make a whole big group but I was tired and I narrowed it down to one man. He had blond hair, was of average build, and was not athletic but not unhealthy looking either. So as I continued to play the game I found a pre-built female and we moved in together. Well my host sister said that I should make her look prettier. Her hair was kind of outdated as well as her style so I decided to give her a makeover.  I could not find any hair style that worked except for a buzz cut. She had no hair but she had big earrings and a wonderful make up job to match. I thought she looked very feminine but the minute I finished my host sister said “I thought you were trying to make her prettier?”  So I let her have the computer and re-do my makeover. The woman is very dark and she gave her blond hair, blue eyes and Barbie makeup. So I guess this is my problem. Thanks to the media and our insecurities we are all brought up thinking that beautiful has a face, or a color, or a style of hair, or a body type so you better have good genes or a lot of money so you can make yourself beautiful, but this idea is not helpful for anyone. My host sister is 13 and I see her almost every day putting on self-tanner lotion, make up and trying to reach this standard, but she will always  fall short because the world has told her to not accept herself. So I guess my question is what is beauty and how does it differ from country to country? Food for Thought.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Yes. I am tired, so my brain juices are pretty much done flowin for today, but I still wanted to update people about my life. So this week has been pretty interesting. Let me start off by saying how much I love German weather! It rains a lot here and the temperature is generally around 60-70 F and it is wonderful weather to drink a nice black tea and, if you are like me, read the majority of books owned by your four year old host brother and ask him questions about the pronunciation of words, yeah... . So this week it was projected that there would be rain throughout the week and generally in the morning, this is good for me because then my host mom drives us to school and I can wear a skirt and spruce up my outfit a little more (shallow I know but it is impossible to ride a bike with a skirt). So Monday came, no rain until the afternoon. Tuesday came and no rain came until the afternoon. Wednesday arrived and repeated the same mistake made by Tuesday and Monday except that the downpour came when I was riding home against the already very strong wind. Then glorious Thursday happened and I heard Thunderstorms the minute I woke up. I cheered (internally) as my host mom drove us to school. Then Friday decided to play with my emotions a bit. In the morning it was pouring and I was getting excited hoping that I could get driven to school. Then during breakfast the rain stopped and I knew that it was going to be a cold, bike trip to school that day. Five minutes after heading out I feel these little wet drips on my clothes and 2 seconds later I am being showered upon from the sky. I pedal slowly to school, I started off at a wonderful pace, but as jeans get wetter they get heavier and every push down on a pedal begins to feel more and more like a burden. I arrive at school with no part of my body spared from the free, unnecessary bath that I was just given. The minute I walk into school I see others who look like me, wet cold lumps of cloth and hair trying their best to find a way to get dry. I stand next to them and look outside, only to find that the rain had stopped.
Moral of the Story: Own a Car :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

I know its Monday...

Tut mir leid ( sorry) everyone I did not post on Sunday. Ok so here is whats up in my life.  My host brother is one of the funniest people that I know. He is 4 and picks up anything that I say in English really quickly. So on the days where he is tired of playing cars, sad, happy, hungry, bored or anything else he knocks on my door and asks to come in. I generally say yes but even if I say I am busy the "Poison Dwarf", a term my host father coined, still enters and plays with whatever he can find. He orders me to turn on music and we listen to Darth Vader sing a call me maybe parody for about 15 times and then we move on to Star Wars, Spider man or Batman. There are days when I will be listening to my own music and he will come in and listen as well, but then he repeats it. It is not bad because now that there is a small child in the house I don't play anything with swear words but because he is four and doesn't have any clue what he is saying he will just bring it up. As an example, we were sitting at lunch and my host mom had just asked the PD if he wants anything else to eat. He shook his head no but right after he looks at my host mom and he says "hey" and my host mom says what,  my host bro turns his head and looks straight at me and says "Im sexy and I know it." My host mom stopped, looked at me and starting cracking up. I did too but I also see my host brothers face in a bit of shock ( I think he was trying to get me in trouble), and then, just as he looked a bit angry and was about to scream, his face turned into a big smile and he starting laughing too. Yep these are my kinda people.

<3 <3 <3