
Sunday, October 7, 2012


Yes. I am tired, so my brain juices are pretty much done flowin for today, but I still wanted to update people about my life. So this week has been pretty interesting. Let me start off by saying how much I love German weather! It rains a lot here and the temperature is generally around 60-70 F and it is wonderful weather to drink a nice black tea and, if you are like me, read the majority of books owned by your four year old host brother and ask him questions about the pronunciation of words, yeah... . So this week it was projected that there would be rain throughout the week and generally in the morning, this is good for me because then my host mom drives us to school and I can wear a skirt and spruce up my outfit a little more (shallow I know but it is impossible to ride a bike with a skirt). So Monday came, no rain until the afternoon. Tuesday came and no rain came until the afternoon. Wednesday arrived and repeated the same mistake made by Tuesday and Monday except that the downpour came when I was riding home against the already very strong wind. Then glorious Thursday happened and I heard Thunderstorms the minute I woke up. I cheered (internally) as my host mom drove us to school. Then Friday decided to play with my emotions a bit. In the morning it was pouring and I was getting excited hoping that I could get driven to school. Then during breakfast the rain stopped and I knew that it was going to be a cold, bike trip to school that day. Five minutes after heading out I feel these little wet drips on my clothes and 2 seconds later I am being showered upon from the sky. I pedal slowly to school, I started off at a wonderful pace, but as jeans get wetter they get heavier and every push down on a pedal begins to feel more and more like a burden. I arrive at school with no part of my body spared from the free, unnecessary bath that I was just given. The minute I walk into school I see others who look like me, wet cold lumps of cloth and hair trying their best to find a way to get dry. I stand next to them and look outside, only to find that the rain had stopped.
Moral of the Story: Own a Car :)

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